Explicit Messaging

EtherNet/IP protocol provides the explicit messaging that is a RPC protocol working via TCPIP. To make a “call” we have to know the code of the service and the address of the instance or the class that provides the wanted service.

CIP protocol uses EPATH to address objects in the object model. It contains ClassID of the object, InstanceID of the instance and, optionally, AttributeID of the instance attribute. If we want to call a class service we should use InstanceID=0.

Let’s say we have a Widget Object with ClassID=0xf0 and this object has service PlusOne with code 0x1 which receives a integer as an argument and returns its increment. The service belongs to instance level, so we have some instance of Widget Object with InstanceID=0x5.

So we have this request:



Service Code





ClassID=0xf0, InstanceID=0x5




And the response should be:



Service Code


0x81 (response has code = service code | 0x80)

General Status






Message Router

But whom should we send the request? In any EIP device, there is a special object for this. It is Message Router. The router is responsible for receiving explicit requests, routing them to CIP objects and handling errors and results.

This sounds a bit abstract. Let’s see how it will be implemented in code:

#include <EIPScanner/MessageRouter.h>
#include <EIPScanner/utils/Logger.h>
#include <EIPScanner/utils/Buffer.h>

using eipScanner::SessionInfo;
using eipScanner::MessageRouter;
using namespace eipScanner::cip;
using namespace eipScanner::utils;

int main() {
        try {
                // Open EIP session with the adapter
                auto si = std::make_shared<SessionInfo>("", 0xAF12);

                // Send Message Router Request
                MessageRouter messageRouter;

                const CipUsint PLUS_ON_SERVICE = 0x05;
                const EPath EPATH_TO_WIDGET_INSTANCE(0xf0, 0x5);
                Buffer buffer;
                CipInt arg = 5;
                buffer << arg;

                auto response = messageRouter.sendRequest(si,

                if (response.getGeneralStatusCode() == GeneralStatusCodes::SUCCESS) {
                        Buffer buffer(response.getData());
                        CipInt result;
                        buffer >> result;

                        Logger(LogLevel::INFO) << result;
        } catch (std::exception &e) {
                Logger(LogLevel::ERROR) << e.what();
                return -1;

        return 0;

First of all, we have to connect with the EIP adapter and establish EIP session with it. We do it by using SessionInfo object:

auto si = std::make_shared<SessionInfo>("", 0xAF12);

Here we’re connecting with the EIP adapter by IP address and port 0xAF12 (default port for the explicit messaging).

Then we should form and send a request to the Message Router:

MessageRouter messageRouter;

const CipUsint PLUS_ON_SERVICE = 0x05;
const EPath EPATH_TO_WIDGET_INSTANCE(0xf0, 0x5);
Buffer buffer;
CipInt arg = 5;
buffer << arg;

auto response = messageRouter.sendRequest(si,

Unfortunately, we can’t send the service arguments “as is”. Instead we should encode them and decode the result according CIP specification. To make it easer, EIPScanner provides a special class utils::Buffer. In this example, we encode 5 as INT type and get the result as a byte vector with method utils::Buffer::data().

The result of the request is stroed in Message Router Response:

if (response.getGeneralStatusCode() == GeneralStatusCodes::SUCCESS) {
      Buffer buffer(response.getData());
      CipInt result;
      buffer >> result;

      Logger(LogLevel::INFO) << result;

First of all, we should check if the request is successful and only then we decode its data by using Buffer. In our example, this is only one number of type INT.

Reading\Writing CIP Attributes

The most typical operations in the explicit communication are reading and writing CIP attributes. The example that we used above is suitable, but we should keep in mind 2 things:

1. Use cip::Epath with Attribute ID which you’re going to read or write an attribute. For an example EPath(1,2,3), where ClassId=1, InstanceId=2, AttributeId=3

  1. Use cip::ServiceCodes enum with the common service codes