Getting Started


EIPScanner provides only installing from the sources. To compile the sources, your system must meet the following requirements:

  • Linux or MacOS operation system

  • CMake 3.5 or higher

  • C++ compiler supporting C+14 standard. (We test our code with clang-7 and gcc-7.4)

  • Gtest 1.8.0 or higher (optional)

In order to compile and install the library, type from the project’s root directory:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --target install

Optionally, you can build the usage examples and the unit tests by adding the following CMake options:


For successful usage of the library, it will be very helpful if you remember where EIPScanner have been installed.


Here we will show how you can use the library in your CMake project. For that, let’s make a simple project.

First of all, we should create CMakeLists.txt with the following content:

 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)


 add_executable(hi_eip main.cpp)

 target_link_libraries(hi_eip EIPScanner)

Pay attention to the last two lines. Currently, EIPScanner doesn’t provide a cmake module to help to find the library on your machine and we have to do all manually. First, we point on the include directory whose path should be path/were/eipscanner/is/installed/ + EIPScanner. Second, we link our executable file with the library EIPScanner. If you’d like to use the static library instead, use EIPScannerS name.

Okay, we have CMakeLists.txt. Now we should create main.cpp and place there this code:

#include <EIPScanner/MessageRouter.h>
#include <EIPScanner/utils/Logger.h>
#include <EIPScanner/utils/Buffer.h>

using eipScanner::SessionInfo;
using eipScanner::MessageRouter;
using namespace eipScanner::cip;
using namespace eipScanner::utils;

int main() {
        auto si = std::make_shared<SessionInfo>("", 0xAF12);
        auto messageRouter = std::make_shared<MessageRouter>();

        // Read attribute
        auto response = messageRouter->sendRequest(si, ServiceCodes::GET_ATTRIBUTE_SINGLE,
                                                       EPath(0x01, 1, 1));

        if (response.getGeneralStatusCode() == GeneralStatusCodes::SUCCESS) {
                Buffer buffer(response.getData());
                CipUint vendorId;
                buffer >> vendorId;

                Logger(LogLevel::INFO) << "Vendor ID is " << vendorId;

        return 0;

If you are familiar with EtherNet/IP protocol you should understand that the code is doing. If not, it doesn’t matter, we will discuss this later.

Let’s build the example and run it:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

It might happen you become the error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

It means, your host system didn’t manage to find EIPScanner’s shared library. We can help it:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/where/eipscanner/is/installed

Try again and it must work. If you failed again, then a bug report will be welcomed.