
EIPScanner has a very simple embedded logger utils::Logger which prints the messages into stdout. This is a simple usage example:

#include "utils/Logger.h"

using eipScanner::utils::Logger;
using eipScanner::utils::LogLevel;

int main() {

    Logger(LogLevel::INFO) << "You will see this message.";
    Logger(LogLevel::DEBUG) << "You won't see this message.";
    return 0;

You can set the lowest log level for all your application by method Logger::setLogLevel. Here it is INFO, so that DEBUG level isn’t printed.

Perhaps, the embedded logger isn’t suitable for your application or you use another one. No problems. Implement interface utils::LogAppenderIf and set it with method Logger::setAppender.


The printing messages happens in the destructor of utils::Logger. It means if you want to see message at once, don’t save the logger in a variable or a field.